class reflection (16.08.2022.-20.08.2022). achievement test reflection, innovative lesson plan 🀘🏽✏️πŸ“πŸ“


9 c
Laws of motion
Balanced and unbalanced force

 I took the class on  balanced and unbalanced forces on class. 9.c follow up activty  were given. 
Day :31 achievement test reflection.

Achievement test conducted.
 It is based on  the chapter motion and force. Out of 25 marks test is conducted. 
Short answer, one word questions are included. 

Day :32  innovative lesson plan 

9. B 
Chemical bonding 

Innovative lesson  plan was based on the topic valency in 9 th standard. I choose a puzzle game by joining the arms which gives the valency. So valency can be taught in a simple way to the students 

Day :33

The last day of teaching practise.... Achievement test papers were distributed to the students. A nice experience was that of as a teacher trainee... Each and every day was given by different experiences. Some are the happiest and some are bitter one.

Through this period we know how to teach a topic with lesson plan, classroom management, time management and so many factors...